- Helps rooting establishments for cuttings
- Made from natural ingredients
- No synthetic growth hormones or fungicides
Sizes available
- 150ml
- Product Details
- How to Use
- Tips & Advice
Why Use
Taking a cutting from the parent plant is a great, easy way of growing a new plant. Using a hormone based rooting product will increase the chances of success in most cases. The root will develop quicker and will be of better quality than when rooting hormones are not used
What to Expect
Cuttings will be encouraged to produce new growth
When to Use
April to September
Where to Use
When taking cuttings to aid rooting and establishment
How to Use
- For best results stand soft stem cuttings in water for 1/2 hour before using the gel— for hard wood cuttings soak them overnight
- Dip the end of the cuttings in the gel and then insert into a suitable free-draining compost or rooting medium
- Cover cuttings with glass or polythene and place in a light position but out of direct sunlight
General Advice
- There are no advice or safety information for this product
- Use as per label instructions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does this product work?
A. Rooting Gel has natural hormones that stimulate roots making the propagation of plants easier.
Q. What are plant hormones?
A. Plant hormones include:
- Auxins—for root growth
- Gibberellins—for flowering and size of fruit and leaves
- Cytokinins—for cell division and differentiation
- Abscisic Acid— inhibits other hormones during periods of stress
Q. What would I expect to see/smell with this product?
A. The gel is an opaque off- white colour with a natural “organic” smell
Q. Does the product have an expiry date?
A. No, however it is good practice not to leave any debris in the gel each time you use it
For any questions or advice, please contact our technical advice line on 01480 443789 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm) or email customerservice@westlandhorticulture.com