For a decorative, attractive finish for beds & borders Westland Chipped Bark is an ideal solution. These large brown chips of bark (approximately 20-30mm – size can vary) not only provides a clean background for displaying your plants against but also offers excellent weed suppression, moisture retention and thermal protection for plant roots. Bed & Border Chipped Bark mulches also help reduce the spread of fungal diseases on leaves that arises from rain splash.
- 20-30mm mid size chips
- Perfect for use in finishing beds & border areas
- Protects plant roots
- Superior weed control
- Holds moisture for longer
- Ideal for play areas
Sizes available
- 70 litre
- Product Details
- How to Use
- Tips & Advice
Why Use
Westland Bed & Border Chipped Bark is perfect for creating low maintenance beds & borders or for use in large planters/containers. It reduces the need for frequent weeding and the amount of time spent on weeding. Westland Bed & Border Chipped Bark is also suitable for use in children’s play areas, providing a clean, soft surface with good impact absorbing properties. Westland Bed & Border Chipped Bark is produced from sustainable conifer plantations which are grown for the timber industry and are certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC).
Westland Bed & Border Chipped Bark provides an ideal decorative mulch for beds & borders and for large planters/containers. It reduces weeding time, conserves water and provides thermal insulation for plant roots.
How to Use
Existing beds & borders
Prepare the border by removing all weeds and debris. Spread a layer of bark 2.5-5 cm deep over the area ensuring that the mulch reaches under the plant canopy and covers the root area. Remove any annual weeds as they appear. To maintain a good mulch layer replenish the area with fresh bark annually.
New beds & borders
Prepare the area by removing all weeds and debris. Spread a layer of bark 2.5-5 cm deep over the area. Remove any annual weeds as they appear. To maintain a good mulch layer replenish the area with fresh bark annually.
Play areas
Prepare the area by removing all weeds and debris. Spread a layer of bark 8-12 inches deep over the area.
Top Tip – For best results, laying a perforated plastic or fabric membrane under the bark mulch is advisable to further reduce weed problems where perennial weeds occur. Cut an X shaped hole in the membrane and plant shrubs and flowers into planting hole underneath the membrane. Spread the bark chips back under the plant canopy to cover the membrane.
Check the play area daily and ensure that there is an even coverage of bark over the area with a minimum depth of 8 inches, top up with new bark if necessary. Remove any debris and foreign matter that may have appeared in the bark. Westland Bed & Border Chipped Bark will only provide protection as an impact absorbing surface. Bed & Border Bark Chips can be abrasive and particularly in dry conditions, can cause scratches. It is recommended that if the bark becomes very dry that it is watered to reduce the risk of scratches.
Large planters/containers
When planting large containers & planters, leave a 5-7 cm space at top of the container or planter. Spread a 3-5 cm layer of bark over the top of the compost or soil. This will provide important thermal insulation, prevent water loss and make the containers easier to water.
Handy Gardening Tips
- Store in a dry frost free place away from weed killers and other garden chemicals
- Reseal bag after use
- Wear gloves when handling
- Wash hands after use
For any questions or advice, please contact our technical advice line on 01480 443789 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm) or email