- Ready to use formulation
- Bug killer, disease and fungus control
- Contains myclobutanil and cypermethrin
- Find out more about our Resolva range
Sizes available
- 800 ml
- Product Details
- How to Use
- Tips & Advice
Why Use
- Protects new growth and promoted healthy foliage
What to Expect
- Control of aphids and some protection against rust and black spot
- Insects drop off plants and mildew will dissipate
Resolva Rose 3 in 1 weedkiller contains Cypermethrin and Myclobutanil. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
When to Use
- April to Sept
Where to Use
- Resolva 3 in 1 is a combined insecticide plus systemic fungicide for use outdoors on roses
- It will control aphids as well as offering some protection against rust and black spot
How to Use
- Only use when symptoms are observed on roses outdoors
- Shake the bottle, turn spray nozzle and aim at plant
- Pump trigger. Spraying top and undersides of leaves
- Apply again after 10 days if required and only use twice per year
- Do not use when bees are actively foraging
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can pets and children go into the treated area?
A. Children and pets need not be excluded from treated areas once product is dry
Q. When is the best time to apply Rose 3 in 1?
A. At the earliest sign of disease or attack
Q. Can I use it on any other plants?
A. No, this product is only suitable for use on roses
For any questions or advice, please contact our technical advice line on 01480 443789 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm) or email customerservice@westlandhorticulture.com
Safety Information
Protection during/ in use:
- Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product
- Wash hands and exposed skin after use
- When using do not eat, drink or smoke
- If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show label where possible)
Environmental protection:
- Avoid release to the environment
- Collect spillage
- Dangerous to bees
- To protect bees and pollinating insects, do not apply when plants are in flower or when flowering weeds are present
- Do not use where bees are actively foraging
- Use early in morning and late in the evening
- Do not contaminate water with product or its container
- Direct application away from ponds and other surface water bodies
Storage and disposal:
- Keep out of reach from children
- Keep away from food and drink
- Keep in original container, tightly closed, in a safe place
- Do not re-use container for any purpose
- Protect from frost