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Resolva Pro Xtra Tough Super Concentrate
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Resolva Pro Xtra Tough Super Concentrate is a super strength weedkiller concentrate. It is therefore ideal for clearing large areas of weeds. Resolva Pro Xtra Tough Super Concentrate kills weeds as well as roots and controls annual and deep-rooted perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds including bracken, broad-leaved dock, common couch, cleavers, colt’s foot, chickweed, common nettle, common thistle, creeping buttercup, curled dock, dandelion, ground elder, perennial sow thistle, plantains, red clover, scotch thistle, sheeps sorrel, spear thistle, speedwell, white clover, white dead nettle, willowherb, yarrow and many others.

  • Kills roots so weeds don’t come back
  • Kills tough weeds & their roots
  • Contains glyphosate

Sizes available

  • 1 litre
  • Product Details
  • How to Use
  • Tips & Advice
  • Useful information

Why Use

  • Resolva Pro Xtra Tough Super Concentrate is a concentrated tough weedkiller
  • It kills weeds and roots and controls annual and deep-rooted perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds including bracken, broad-leaved dock, common couch, cleavers, colt’s foot, chickweed, common nettle, common thistle, creeping buttercup, curled dock, dandelion, ground elder, perennial sow thistle, plantains, red clover, scotch thistle, sheeps sorrel, spear thistle, speedwell, white clover, white dead nettle, willowherb, yarrow and many others
  • Resolva Pro Xtra Tough Super Concentrate weedkiller’s advanced formulation is biodegradable and leaves no residues in the soil, and is rainfast in 6 hours

What to Expect

  • Effects may be seen in a few days, but for tougher weeds it may take up to 4 weeks.

When to Use

  • Use on a calm day when weeds are actively growing and have a large leaf area to absorb the weedkiller spray
  • Rainfall within 6 hours of application may reduce effectiveness and require re-treatment
  • Resolva Pro Xtra Tough Super Concentrate kills most weeds with a single application. Some tough weeds may need a repeat treatment if re-growth appears
  • Treatment effects on some weeds will be seen within a few days, other tougher weeds may not show effects for up to 4 weeks


Where to Use

  • For use on unwanted vegetation
  • For use on areas not intended to bear vegetation
  • Do not spray on hedge bottoms
  • Do not use on lawns unless you intend to kill the grass
  • Extreme care should be taken to avoid contact by spray with cultivated plants and other desired vegetation


How to Use

  • Always read the label fully before use
  • As good general practice the wearing of gloves is recommended when using this product although this is not a requirement
  • Half fill the sprayer with clean water
  • Using the measure provided add the required quantity of Resolva Pro Xtra Tough Super Concentrate weedkiller to the sprayer water based on the table below:
Use Quantity to be added to sprayer per litre of water Area treated Timing for best effectiveness
General use on annual weeds and grasses 16ml 40sq.m Weeds should be actively growing with grasses having at least 5cm of leaf and broadleaved weeds having at least 2 leaves expanded when sprayed.
Perennial and other difficult broadleaved weeds 24ml 40sq.m Perennial weeds must have full emergence of healthy green leaf that is actively growing. Perennial broadleaved weeds are most susceptible when growing actively and at or near flowering
  • Rinse measure 3 times and add washings to sprayer
  • Complete filling the sprayer with the required volume of clean water
  • Mix thoroughly before use
  • Spray weed leaves lightly and evenly until visibly moistened but avoid wetting to run-off
  • Replace cap after use
  • Do not apply through or store in galvanised or unlined mild steel sprayers
  • Always thoroughly clean the sprayer after use
  • When this container is empty rinse thoroughly 3 times and add washings to the sprayer before final use

After Use

  • Do not walk into treated areas until the spray has dried on the leaves to avoid transfer to lawns and other vegetation
  • Leave weeds for at least 7 days before cultivating

resolva weed 24 hour


Resolva Pro Weedkiller Super Concentrate contains Glyphosate. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

General Advice

  • To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can my pets go into the treated area?

A. For non-grazing animals allow product to dry before allowing pets back into the area. For grazing animals allow weeds to die completely and re-move them before allowing pets back into the area

Q. Can I use this on my lawn?

A. NO (unless you are aiming to kill it off). Resolva Pro Xtra Tough Super Concentrate is a total weedkiller and will kill both broadleaf weeds and grasses—only use it on plants that you want to kill

Q. When can I replant after using this weedkiller?

A. Resolva Pro Xtra Tough Super Concentrate does not leave a residue in the soil. As soon as the weeds have died completely and removed, the treated area can be replanted or re-seeded

Q. Will it work better if I mix in more concentrate?

A. You must always follow the label instructions when applying chemicals. Applying a more concentrated solution would not work as well due to the active ingredient not being absorbed as efficiently

Q. Can I mix up a large quantity and store it ready mixed?

A. The product should be made up and used straight away, not stored for any time

Q. What is a tough weed?

A. A tough weed is usually one with a woody stem or has root nodules underground which are difficult to kill off completely

For any questions or advice, please contact our technical advice line on 01480 443789 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm) or email customerservice@westlandhorticulture.com


Safety Information

WARNING: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects

Contains 360g/litre glyphosate as a soluble concentrate.

If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Read label before use.

Protection During Use:

  • Do not breathe spray
  • Avoid contact with skin
  • Wash hands from any contamination from skin or eyes immediately
  • Wash hands and exposed skin before meals and after use

Environmental Protection:

  • Collect any spillages
  • Do not contaminate water with the product or its container
  • Do not empty into drains

Storage and Disposal:

  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Keep product away from pets
  • Keep product in original container, tightly closed, in a safe place
  • Dispose of unused product in its container at a household waste site (civic amenity site). Contact your local council (local authority) for details
  • Dispose of empty container in the dustbin
  • Keep children and pets away from treated areas until spray has dried

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