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seed & cutting compost
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Please note this product has been retired from the range. However, you may still be able to purchase this item online or in store. Should you have any queries or issues with the product please do get in touch.

For an alternative product please see our Westland Seed & Cutting Compost

Gro-Sure Seed & Cutting Compost is a unique compost that has been specifically developed to ensure perfect growing conditions. It is ideal for seed germination as well as seedling and cutting establishment. The formula contains a fine grade Vermiculite, a naturally occurring substance that aids in drainage and aeration as well as plant extracts that stimulate young seeds and cuttings to produce strong, healthy seedlings and growth.

  • Improves germination by 25% for the best start*
  • Super fine grade
  • Improved aeration & drainage
  • Seaweed & nutrients for healthy growth
  • *When trialled with standard seed & cutting compost and standard seed
  • View our complete Gro-Sure Propagation range

Sizes available

  • 10L
  • 20L

Why Use

  • Fine grade compost ensuring close seed contact for swift, successful seed germination
  • Added Vermiculite which improves drainage and aeration
  • Unique blend of plant extracts to stimulate strong seed germination and cutting growth


How to Use

First put on a pair of gloves and rework the compost between your hands to reconstitute. Then you’re all set.

Seed sowing

A pair of hands over a seed tray, one hand is holding seeds, the other is sowing them into the seed tray.

  • Place compost in a tray or pot and fill to just below the rim
  • Tap down the compost with a board or level tool to give a flat even surface
  • Water the compost thoroughly and allow to drain. Sow the seeds evenly over the whole surface
  • Cover the seeds evenly with a thin layer of compost and water using a watering can with a fine rose
  • Ensure the compost is kept moist by covering the seeds with a thin layer of polythene or a sheet of glass until the seeds have germinated
  • Keep seeds out of direct sunlight


Gro-Sure Seed & Cutting Compost contains sufficient nutrients for the seedlings to grow until they are ready for pricking out. This usually takes 3-4 weeks.

Pricking out

A pair of hands pricking out seedlings from a seed tray with a dibber.

When the seedlings are large enough to handle, remove them from the seed tray with a dibber or pencil and place into pots or trays of Gro-Sure All Purpose Compost.


A pair of hands taking a cutting from a plant using a knife.

  • Take the cutting by making a sloping cut, with a sharp knife, in the stem and removing all of the bottom leaves
  • To encourage rooting, dip the end of the cutting into a hormone rooting powder
  • Fill pot/tray with compost and water well
  • Making a hole in the compost with a pencil/dibber, place the cutting into the hole and gently firm the compost around it, ensuring good contact of the compost with the submerged cutting
  • Water thoroughly

Do not place cuttings too close together. Place polythene or glass over the pot/tray to reduce moisture loss, ensuring the leaves do not touch. Place in a warm environment, out of direct sunlight until the cuttings have taken.


Keep compost moist, never allow to dry out. Water using a watering can with a fine rose.

General Advice

  • Unsuitable for ericaceous (lime hating) plants
  • Store in a dry frost free place away from weedkillers and other garden chemicals
  • Reseal bag after use
  • Use in a well ventilated place and avoid breathing in dust
  • Always wear gloves when gardening and then wash hands after use

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will my pets or wildlife be attracted to this product?

A. Gro-Sure Seed & Cutting Compost does not contain any ingredients that would be attractive to animals

Q. Can I use this compost for my houseplants?

A. Gro-Sure Seed & Cutting is a fine blend of peat with low nutrients, we would recommend a compost more specific to your requirements —for example our Houseplant potting mix

Q. Can I use this compost for potting on?

A. For best results we advise to transfer your seedlings into Gro-Sure All Purpose compost or a John Innes No 1 compost

For any questions or advice, please contact our technical advice line on 01480 443789 (Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm) or email customerservice@westlandhorticulture.com

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