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Digital Moisture Meter
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Our Digital Moisture Meter’s purpose checks the soil moisture at root level therefore helps to prevent over and under watering. Easy to read with a digital output. Ideal for houseplants and window boxes as well as patio tubs and hanging baskets.


  • Batteries
  • Instruction leaflet
  • Cleaning pad
  • Detailed watering guide
  • Table for over 150 plants growing needs
  • How to Use
  • Tips & Advice

How to use your meter

1. Press the Power Button to turn the unit on and off.
2. At the start of every moisture reading session, use the special enclosed pad to gently wipe the entire probe 2-3 times.
3. Insert the probe, vertically if possible, into the pot half way between the edge of the container and the plant stem. In potted plants the depth of penetration will be influenced the size of the container; probe deeper in a larger pot, shallower in a smaller one. A good rule of thumb is to probe about ½ to ¾ of the way down from the surface. For containers over 12″ in diameter, place the probe closer to the stem.
4. While pushing the probe into the soil you may note that the meter reading varies as the probe moves downward. This is because the soil moisture conditions are not uniform. Certain types of soil have a tendency to create moisture pockets, which might give you a false high reading in small areas of the soil. We recommend you take at least two readings in order to confirm your findings . (Note: probing aerates the soil, which is good for the plant).
5. Note your meter reading when the LCD display remains constant for about 4-6 seconds.
6. Remove the probe from the soil.
7. Wipe the probe clean with a soft cloth or tissue before taking another reading and when testing is completed.

Important Information

  • The meter is designed and constructed for test readings
  • The probe should not be left in contact with moisture for extended periods of time
  • Do not store or leave your meter probe in the soil
  • The meter will turn itself off after about 2 minutes of inactivity
  • If the meter has turned itself off, press the power button to restart


For any questions or advice, please contact our technical advice line on 01480 443789 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm) or email customerservice@westlandhorticulture.com

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