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Things to do this May Bank Holiday weekend

Barbecue season still feels a long way off, but despite the less than perfect weather, there’s still plenty you can do in your garden this weekend.
By getting ahead now, you can give hanging baskets, borders and veg plots plenty of time to get established. So when the sun does shine, you can sit back, relax and admire your hard work!
Here’s some things to be getting on with this May Bank Holiday weekend:

Diagnose lawn problems

A well maintained lawn makes a big difference to the look and feel of your garden. It’s best to take action on any problems now while your lawn is in its springtime growth spurt!
Does your lawn look sparse and thin? Try using Aftercut Lawn Thickener for a greener, lusher lawn.
Do you want to sow a new lawn? Watch our how-to video here.
Do you have persistent dandelions? Try Resolva Lawn Liquid Shots which are tough on weeds, but won’t kill your grass.

Sow vegetables indoors

If the weather’s really bad, it’s a good opportunity to catch up on some indoor sowing.
Pumpkins, runner beans and courgettes can all be sown now and placed on indoor windowsills or in the greenhouse, ready for planting out in early June.

Create summer hanging baskets

Take a trip down your local garden retailer and purchase some plants for your summer hanging baskets.
Of course, you could buy them ready made, but they will be so much cheaper and more individual if you make them yourself.
**Remember to bring inside overnight to protect from late frosts**
Here’s our hanging basket guide to help get you started.

Harden off young plants

If temperatures have warmed up a bit where you live, it might be the perfect time to harden off young plants to get them ready for planting outdoors.
Simply bring them outside during the day to give them a taster of outside life (but don’t forget to bring them in again at night, as it can still get quite chilly in the evenings!)

Tackle weeds

Just like the grass on your lawn, weeds are also having a growth spurt.
Just 30 minutes spent outside using a weedkiller can make a big impact on the overall look of your garden.
Stop weeds in their tracks by using our Resolva Liquid Shots. There’s a variety for each area of your garden including Resolva 24H, Resolva Path & Patio and Resolva Lawn.

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