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9 Ways Gardening can Improve your Love Life

With Valentine’s Day almost upon us, it’s time to embrace romance and spend a little time either searching for a potential beau/belle or appreciating the one you have!
While you might not immediately associate gardening with love, when you think about it there’s plenty of reasons why this could help to boost your libido this February.
Here’s 9 to get you started:

1. Keeps you looking athletic and trim

Shovelling soil, squatting to kill weeds and plant seedlings, stretching to reach that awkward branch that needs pruning, gardening is way better than any gym workout.

2. Improves your social life

Your front garden is the ideal place to strike up conversations with neighbours or passers-by.

3. Home-grown dishes taste delicious

Even if you’re not a whizz in the kitchen, using home-grown ingredients will ensure everything you cook tastes delicious and full of flavour.

4. You have a continuous stock of flowers

Flowers are synonymous with love, so if you have a ready stock of these in your garden, it should be easy to conjurer up a romantic moment or two.

5. You are a more attentive partner

If you’re a gardener you know that love, just like plants, takes time to bloom and that the more attention and care you put in, the more you get back!

6. Keeps your heart healthy and happy

As well as lowering stress levels and encouraging you to eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, gardening is a great activity for keeping your heart in fine ticking order.

7. Teaches you to find contentment within yourself

Being confident and content within your own skin is universally attractive. Gardening can be very grounding as it teaches you to slow down and take notice of the things that matter in life and to let go of the things that don’t.

8. Encourages intimacy

What can be more romantic than an afternoon spent working alongside each other in the garden? Extra brownie points if you plant something that will hold a special significance for you both for years to come.

9. Gardens smell sweeter than the most expensive perfume

The scent of fresh roses, jasmine, honeysuckle or sweet peas smells far superior to even the most expensive designer fragrances.
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