Give yourself a boost with this tasty Blueberry and Spinach Smoothie.
Packed with Vitamin C and Iron, it’s just the thing to boost your energy levels, ready for a productive weekend of gardening!
Serves 1
- A big handful of spinach
- A handful of blueberries
- One banana (try it frozen for a more creamy smoothie)
- A teaspoon of Spirulina
- 700ml of coconut water or a 50/50 mix of apple juice and tap water
Step One
Peel the banana (if using a frozen banana, take it out of the freezer 10 mins beforehand to soften a little), chop it into 3 and put in the blender.
Put the rest of the ingredients in the blender
Step Two
Blitz for 30 seconds on a high speed. Enjoy!