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How to Feed your Plants

Plants make their own food in their leaves from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to create sugars and oxygen. But they also need additional nutrients and trace elements, which they derive from the soil around their roots.

Most plants will grow without additional plant food, however they will not thrive and they will not achieve their full potential.

It’s easy to get the very best from your plants by ensuring that they have all the nutrients they need and more. Simply feed them at every level to provide for their exacting needs.

There are many ways to feed your plants, including:

Feed your plants with a traditional plant food

Feed your plantsSome gardeners love the routine or weekly or fortnightly feeding, it puts them in touch with their plants.

When you need to get food into them fast, a liquid feed is ideal.

Gro-Sure All Purpose Plant Feed, which is packed with nutrients for healthy flowers and fruits and is seaweed enriched. Plus it also has a Which? Gardening Best Buy.

If you are feeding ericaceous plants (acid-loving plants), then use Westland Ericaceous High Performance Liquid Plant Food. This plant food provides the essential nutrients ericaceous plants need to thrive.


A slow-release plant food

Feed your plants

If you’re pushed for time and want to be sure that your plants have the right amount of food, opt for a clever technique that trickle feeds plant food on a regular basis.

Gro-Sure Slow Release Plant Food granules are activated by warmth, exactly the time when garden plants are growing fast. All you need to do is mix them into the soil around your plants.




Feed your plants with a compost with added feed

westland container and basket planting mixChoose a good quality compost that provides feed for several weeks and the correct additional nutrients to support plant growth and plenty of flowers.

Westland have introduced Container & Basket Potting Mix which includes 6 months slow release granules to further encourage healthy plant growth.




Feeds for specialist plants:

Many gardeners will grow specialist plants that need expert care and attention. We have formulated a range of dedicated plant foods, including the following:

Westland Specialist Plant Feeds

Indoor Plant Feeds

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