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How to sow vegetable seeds

Sowing vegetables from seed is much more cost effective than buying plants.

Also, there are many more interesting and unique varieties available from seed, including cherry tomatoes, jalapeno chilli peppers and wild rocket. Unwins have a really good range and it’s worth taking a look to find something that really suits your tastes.

**Always check the instructions on the seed packet for the right advice about the seed you are growing.

Step 1

Fill several clean 7.5cm (3 inches) flowerpots with Gro-Sure Seed & Cutting Compost.

Make sure the compost is at room temperature before you sow to encourage fast germination. Lightly firm the compost down.

Water the compost using a watering can with a fine rose (nozzle) attachment.

**Use clean tap water, rather than rainwater, which could spread pests and diseases.

Step 2

Small seeds

Sow the seed directly onto the compost surface, spacing it as evenly as possible.

Sprinkle a thin layer of compost or vermiculite over the top.  Vermiculite is recommended for very small seeds, as the emerging seedling can push through more easily

Label carefully with the plant variety and date.


Large seeds

Large seeds can be sown individually in small pots.

Make a hole with a dibber or the end of a pencil and drop the seed into it.

Cover over with compost.


Step 3

Water gently and keep in a frost-free place until the seeds start to sprout and grow.

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