The basics
Ever wanted to try to make your own leaf mould, apply a bark mulch or find out how to test your soil? The hints and tips in these articles will offer useful instructions on how to do these and other more advanced projects in the garden.
The Benefits of Mulching Mulching is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to maintain a thriving, healthy garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, understanding…
The Importance of Digging Digging is important as it breaks up the soil, making it light enough for plants and flowers to grow in.If roots cannot push their way…
How to Make Leaf Mould Tumbling leaves should be gathered-up and put to good use and used to make leaf mould. Left to decay, leaves on paths, patios and driveways…
How to Test your Soil If you’re new to gardening, planning a new garden or general planting, one of the first things to do before you start is to establish…
What is Compost? Home compost Every good gardener will have a compost bin that sits in the corner of the garden and is filled with general garden waste,…
How to apply a bark mulch A bark mulch will act as a natural barrier to insulate the roots of your plant against drought and extreme heat and cold. It also…