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festive bird feeder

How to make your own Festive Bird Feeder

To make festive bird feeder you will need:

  • Bird food – Peckish Winter Warmer Seed Mix is perfect for this time of the year
  • Cookie cutters
  • Twine / string
  • Baking tray
  • Pencil
  • Lard
  • Spoon
  • 2 x bowls


Step one:

Melt a block of lard over the hob or in a microwave and pour out a good amount bird food into a separate bowl.

Step two:

Pour the melted lard into the bowl of bird food and mix together with a spoon.

Step three:

Place the cookie cutters onto a baking tray or other flat implement and spoon the bird food and lard mix into each of the cutters. Make sure that you have compacted the bird food into the cutter and fill up as much as you can.


Step four:

Using a pencil make a hole into the top of the bird food.



Step five:

Cut a length of twine or string to hang the feeder. Then thread the twine / string through the hole that you have just made and place the filled cookie cutters into the fridge overnight to set.



Step six:

Now you are ready hang your festive bird feeder outside onto a tree branch or on a dining station to treat the birds.

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