Birds & Wildlife
A wide range of birds and other wildlife is crucial to any garden. As well as being nice to look at, birds, bees, butterflies, worms and other beneficial insects play a vital role. Bees pollinate flowers, birds eat pests like slugs and snails, ladybirds eat aphids and worms aerate the soil. Attract as many as possible to help your garden thrive!
March Garden Birds What birds can you see in your garden this March? Seeds can be scarce in the countryside at this time of year, so now is…
Why do we Need Nest Boxes in our Garden? Having a nest box has never been more important, as British birds are unfortunately running low on nesting holes. Because we are keeping our gardens,…
February Garden Birds What birds can you see in your garden this February? February is often the most interesting month at our bird feeders. Wild food is at…
Help stop the pollinator decline We are seeing a pollinator decline due to many factors. Bees and other pollinators are dying off due to a number of reasons. Mostly because…
January Garden Birds What birds can you see in your garden this January? As we start to see slightly longer days, we will begin to hear the first…
December Garden Birds What birds can you see in your garden this December? In December Ivy fruits are ripening. Winter thrushes, such as Blackbirds and Redwings, will be…