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Fertilising your plants

When the weather warms up, we get hungrier. And this goes for garden plants as well. They come out of their winter slumber (or dormancy) and need to start feeding – straight away. So, if you are ever going to spread a little fertiliser over the garden, now is the time to do it!

There are three main plant nutrients, and each is essential for the development of a certain part of a plant.

1. Nitrogen (N), for example, is responsible for leaf and stem growth. It is vital to nearly all plants in the early stages of growth. It is essential to leaf crops (lettuce, cabbage, spinach and so on).

Westland’s Bone Meal is an ideal source of nitrogen, used when planting.

Westland Organic Chicken Manure Pellets is a useful source of nitrogen, and also contains smaller amounts of other important nutrients. It is a slow-release feed, meaning that it nourishes the soil over a long period, and this is the best way to prolong the life of garden plants. I’ll be applying it to all areas of my garden this coming weekend.

Westland Organic Chicken Manure Pellets in soil

2. The other essential plant nutrient is phosphorus (P, usually referred to as phosphate), responsible for root growth

3. The third essential nutrient is potassium (K, usually known as potash), for flower and fruit production


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